Financial matters Chester family law solicitors

Family Law Solicitors Chester - Financial Matters

At Berkson Family Law, specialists in family law in Chester, we recognize the complexities involved in resolving financial matters following a relationship breakdown. This process can often be intricate and prolonged. Our primary objective is to efficiently settle financial disputes on your behalf, striving to circumvent court proceedings whenever possible. However, in instances where court involvement is inevitable, you can count on our top-tier lawyers, skilled in family law in Chester, to adeptly handle court applications.

Our legal team, well-versed in family law in Chester, is experienced in managing financial claims related to separations, be it divorce, civil partnerships, or cohabitation. They are knowledgeable about the various orders the court can issue, including those for cash payments, property transfers, asset division, maintenance, and pension sharing. Sometimes, financial settlements can be achieved through a ‘clean break’ agreement.

Our goal is to address financial issues effectively and formalize them in a Consent Order. This order outlines the financial agreement reached between parties. In preparing the Consent Order, we negotiate directly with the opposing party, sparing you the stress and ensuring the agreement is integrated into the Order.

Understanding the significance of financial matters and claims, which profoundly impact both parties’ living conditions and futures, it’s crucial to seek expert guidance. At Berkson Family Law, our award-winning divorce solicitors, experts in family law in Chester, are prepared to advocate vigorously for your financial claims.

How We Can Assist: When court intervention is the only recourse, the court possesses extensive authority to issue orders concerning income, capital, property, and pensions. In such cases, our focus is to secure favorable outcomes for our clients, including property transfers, spousal maintenance, and pension sharing.

Given the importance of financial matters and claims in shaping the future and living conditions of both parties, the expertise of a specialist in financial claims is indispensable. At Berkson Family Law, our team of award-winning divorce solicitors, proficient in family law in Chester, stands ready to champion your financial claims.

Financial matters Chester family law solicitors